Saturday, July 7, 2012

Canada Day Views: Harper ZERO, Nova Scotia Whale WON, by a RAINBOW

Congratulations to Sean Rowley (RSEAN9000) for soundly trouncing Stephen Harper on Canada Day 2012 for the number of world eyeballs viewing their alternative images of Canada.

Harper wants the world to think of TAR when they think of Canada ; Sean wants them to think of whales - and rainbows.

Over half a million views - way to go Pride of Digby Neck - you're a whale of a rainbow !

You'll do Halifax Pride 25th proud as their mascot - hint hint !

Thanks to skygods vs earthlings for blogging away on this whale of a story while I was away along the South Shore, being grandmother to my new granddaughter SAM !

The truth outdoes Harper's slick media control freakishness --------------- everytime ...


  1. Way to go Sean

    I would vote for you as Prime Minister

    BLONDi Dave

  2. I can remember another Prime Minister who
    loved canoes...P.E.T. !!!!
