Thursday, January 30, 2020

Proposed Owl's Head golf course is wrong !

If golf courses are about anything, they are all about grass.

Rich deep grass over rich deep soil.

The proposed Owl's Head golf course along the Eastern
Shore near Ship Harbour basically looks like Peggy's Cove.

Would you build a golf course at Peggy's Cove ??!!

I can just see your and my hard earned tax dollars being
wasted during an election campaign to see that hundreds
of Liberal truck drivers are well paid to truck Musquodoboit
Valley farm soil all the way to Owl's Head to build a golf course.

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs !!! (As long as you are a Grit.)

Maybe I am being cynical or maybe I am just being a born and raised Nova Scotian who knows how it works down here...

Why is Nova Scotia so slow to take profitable advantage of our ever-present ever-powerful winds?

We have windy politicians galore - but their wind is mostly NATO : No Action, All Talk , when it comes to seriously making our province a wind-power among nations....