The old line parties - the Greens,Bloc,NDP,Liberals and Conservatives - will face a new party whenever Mr Harper next visits the GG.
The Pirate Party of Canada is very, very, very close to getting itself registered officially with Elections Canada.
(I know that feeling....)
Halifax is no exception to the process and a group has been meeting online and in person in this city.
The next in-person meeting is take place , 3:00 PM, this Saturday, October 17th, at the Spring Garden Road branch of the Halifax Library.
I work - occasionally ! - so I will be late, but I will be there.
The only East Coast stop of the open internet Town Hall movement , "Who is SHAPING your Digital Future?" will be inviting all the political parties to attend the October 26th evening meeting at the Dal SUB McInnes Room.
That includes the Pirates.
I can only hope that their presence (before almost 600 would-be voters !) will put the old line parties on notice.
It is essential that all of the oldliners give more than lip service as to just who is throttling the information pipeline we so desperately need right now, to make it through the world's environmental crisis and the coming natural resource shortfall.
In the future, Ideas - not Oil - will keep grandmother warm and granddaughter fed - and it will be seen as a criminal act to throttle a good new idea , just to protect your firm's dinosaur intellectual assets.
I am as serious as Life itself - when people are cold and hungry they are not always the most rational and they will start looking around for scapegoats - it would be better for our Telcos and Cablecos if they are not in an angry electorate's line-of-sight....
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