Darren Abramson is an unusual sort of philosopher , even for the twenty first century.
And I've met a few.
Michael Marshall is my partner, as many of you may know.
His father, Rowland (Rollie) Marshall, is a retired philosophy professor at SMU (St Mary's University) here in Halifax.
Rowland always insisted that philosophers have to climb down from their ivory seminar rooms and 'go public'.
On his retirement, he donated sufficient money to convince SMU to set up an annual public lecture where prominent philosophers are brought in to deliver a public-oriented lecture on a matter of pressing public concern.
So I am sure that Rowland is proud that a philosopher was invited to add his two cents to one of the most pressing issues of our day : where in the heck are the big boys of the internet heading with our personal information and personal freedoms ?
("Who is SHAPING your Digital Future?" Oct 26 Mcinnes Room, Dal SUB, 7-9:30 pm, free - only 600 seats so plan to get there early.)
Doctor Abramson, who teaches at Dalhousie university, has an unusual educational background for a philosopher .
He has a joint Ph.D. in the philosophy of mind & cognitive science ( and he's not just winging it in the tech department, either : he also has a M.Sc. in Computer Science.)
He has his own views on how copyright is working out out there on the digital pipeline - and how it should be working.
It won't be the usual spin, that is for sure.
Be there !
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