Friday, December 6, 2019

Martin Henry Dawson's first medical role : was as a WWI Medic

Note the RED CROSS badge on Martin Henry Dawson's Cdn Med Corp uniform !
I am not sure he was ever on a combat battlefield as a medic though - he worked at base hospitals a few dozen miles behind the front lines.

He was , later, in the front lines leading the charges across No Nan's Land as a very brave  junior infantry officer.

Friday, November 15, 2019

New photo of Martin Henry Dawson !

Martin Henry Dawson 1919
Helen Creighton, the famous Nova Scotian folklorist, kept everything of her long life, and then left them to the Public Archives of Nova Scotia, where her lifelong friend Phyllis Blakney was director.

 Among the photos PANS put on his public website was a photo Helen kept of her brother Terry and a group of friends, including a very happy relaxed young Henry Dawson !!!!!

 The date was 1919 and the group of young Nova Scotian soldiers were simply glad to still be alive and in relatively good shape after years in the mud of the Western Front.

 One of Henry's Vancouver relatives found the photo online and I thought I would link to the PANS website so all the world could see a smiling Henry, instead of all those stern faced or glum photos Michael Marshall is usually publicly posting of Dr Dawson...
Martin Henry Dawson in middle, 1919